Providence Money for Missions Yardsale
Thursday to Saturday March 21, 22 and 23 from 8:00 am to 2 pm
Now is the time to clean out your garage, pare down your bulging closet and gift your items to help make CHRISTMAS a reality around the globe. From Jordan to Jonathan Creek , from Uganda to your neighbor, Syrian refugees in Germany to Open Door patrons in Frog Level, people from all walks of life, from all nations need to hear the good news of Christ. Your gently used, donation items, your gift of time serving at the yard sale,making baked goods for Saturday’s bake sale or inviting a new neighbor to the Community Outreach free hot dog luncheon, all of these are ways to help spread the gospel through missions around the globe and here at home. Already we have collected almost $1,000 in online sales of donated items and we have just begun. Ask your neighbors, your co-workers and your families to donate items. It is a great way to spread the word about Providence and our desire Know, Grow and GO!
Want to get involved in the Yardsale and Community Outreach?
1) Pray that we will glorify God in our outreach and help us find new ways to encourage people who don’t know Christ.
2) Pray for the Community Outreach and the Children’s Bible Story/Craft time on Saturday, March 23rd.
3) Sign up to help: At the sale Thursday, Friday and especially Saturday.
-Bring items for the yardsale.
-Bring items for the bakesale (Saturday March 23)
-Come help Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday prior to the yard sale.
-Pass out flyers, soon to be distributed, to everyone who even might be receptive.
-Come extend a hand of friendship and a smile to a new person who might come to the yard sale/outreach.